Streamlined MI with MGIC Go!

MGIC Go! streamlined mortgage insurance for agency approve/accept loans up to 97% ltv

How MGIC Go! can benefit your borrowers 

Our MGIC Go! streamlined mortgage insurance program is the fastest, simplest way to get MI with DU® or Loan Product Advisor®. Unclutter the MI process for DU Approve/Eligible and Loan Product Advisor Accept/Eligible loans, as well as Approve or Accept loans that receive an Ineligible AUS delivery response due to LTV or ARM plan. Process and underwrite eligible loans according to AUS Findings/Feedback requirements for:
  • Documentation
  • Tradelines, credit history
  • Borrower contribution, including gift funds
  • Reserves
  • Other criteria
Apply just a few Go! overlays1, found in Section 2 of our Underwriting Guide. Otherwise, refer to the respective Agency selling guide for requirements the Findings or Feedback don't provide. Separate requirements apply to properties in Guam or Puerto Rico and housing finance agency loans; see our underwriting summaries for more detail.

The fastest way to move-in day for your HomeReady and Home Possible loans

Fannie Mae's HomeReady® and Freddie Mac's Home Possible® and Home Possible Advantage® programs provide tremendous options for borrowers putting less money down. MGIC Go! streamlined mortgage insurance is the fastest way to get MI on these affordable lending products.

97% LTV conventional loans offer big savings

MGIC Go! will cover 3% down payment loans with credit scores down to 620. Buyers who finance a conventional 97% LTV mortgage with Go! will benefit from:

  • Less money down
  • Lower loan amounts
  • Ability to cancel

Increase buying power with a gift

MGIC Go! allows 100% gifts toward the down payment. Follow Findings/Feedback when it comes to source of funds and the amount of borrower's own funds required.

1 Subject to MGIC Underwriter discretion.

MGIC Go!TM is an MGIC trademark. DU® and HomeReady® are registered trademarks of Fannie Mae. Home Possible® and Home Possible Advantage® are registered trademarks of Freddie Mac; Loan Product Advisor® is a registered service mark of Freddie Mac.

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