Activating mortgage insurance

Activating mortgage insurance begins with the Commitment/Certificate we issue as soon as we approve the application for insurance. The Commitment/Certificate shows that we approve a loan, and extends insurance coverage to the loan if certain conditions are met.

Our commitment to insure is effective for:

  • 4 months for an existing home loan
  • Up to 12 months for a home where the appraisal status is “subject to completion”

Changes before activation

Some changes to a Commitment/Certificate require our prior approval, while others do not. We require prior approval for the following changes:

  • Mortgage instrument
  • Loan term
  • Loan amount
  • Assignment of commitment
  • Adding or deleting a borrower
  • Collateral securing the loan
  • Sales price or appraised value
  • Initial payment rate

We do not require prior approval for the following changes:

  • Typographical corrections to the borrower’s name

Note: For any changes not listed above, we require prior approval.

Submit all changes to us before insurance activation. After underwriting review (where necessary), we will process any changes and, if they are approved, send you a revised Commitment/Certificate reflecting the changes. Report Commitment/Certificate changes to or 1-800-424-6442.

Activating coverage

To activate mortgage insurance coverage, notify us within 15 days of the loan closing. Loans must close on or before the Commitment expiration date.

Key requirements for activation

  • Loan closing date
  • Premium due to activate (if applicable)
  • Current loan number
  • New servicer information, if servicing has been transferred

Construction-permanent loans

When activation is more than 180 days from the MGIC insurance activation date, the loan file must contain:
  • Verbal reverification of employment within 10 days prior to the MGIC insurance activation date
  • Recertification of value
  • Provide evidence the interim construction loan is current with a 0 x 30 days late payment history

Activation options

  • Monthly plan (no premium required at closing)
    • Loan Center — Use the Manage Existing Loans tab
    • MGIC/Link Servicing — Select Activate Coverage from the main menu
    • Fax completed MGIC Activation Notice* to 1-800-711-6442
  • Single, annual or split plans
    • Loan Center — Use the Manage Existing Loans tab
    • MGIC/Link Servicing — Select Activate Coverage from the main menu. Note that the premium due must be remitted to MGIC, Box 78461, Milwaukee, WI 53278-8461 to complete the activation process
    • Mail completed MGIC Activation Notice*, along with premium due, to MGIC, Box 78461, Milwaukee, WI 53278-8461
  • Electronic activations
    • Use your servicing system or LOS to activate coverage. You may be able to activate your MI directly through your servicing system or LOS; contact or 1-888-644-2334 for more information
  • Email activations

More on activating MI coverage on a Refi-to-Mod (RTM) loan.

*The Activation Notice is the last page of the Commitment/Certificate document.

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