Mortgage Connects

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Be your borrowers’ source of truth

2 ways to bust mortgage myths and boost your business

Prospective homebuyers are often vulnerable to myths that can make them delay their dream of homeownership, so they need a trustworthy guide to help them navigate the ever-changing housing market. That guide could be you!

Use our mortgage myths series, available to download in both English and Spanish, to become the reliable partner your borrowers need. By providing clear and accurate answers to their questions, you'll meet their immediate needs and create a positive ripple effect that can lead to future referrals.

And pair these sheets with our ready-made social shareables, featuring curated posts and images ready to download, post and share on your favorite social media platform.

Mortgage myths bundle

Savvy loan officers know even a simple question can lead to a great opportunity. Being prepared with the right information is key to unlocking opportunities with their prospective borrowers.

With these "cheat sheets" in hand, you'll be equipped to debunk some of the most persistent myths prospective borrowers believe. Share them with your borrowers and referral partners!

Download and print all 3 (English)

NEW! Download and print all 3 (Spanish)

Mortgage myths social shareables

Loan officers, share these with your network

Take advantage of our curated set of 6 myth-busting social media posts to easily share the myths bundle with your social media followers. Each social shareable is perfectly sized for LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

Download and share