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Building a financial legacy through smart real estate investment – Episode 38

Marc Williams, Senior Loan Officer at Paramount Residential Mortgage Group

In honor of financial literacy month, we interview Marc Williams, senior loan officer at Paramount Residential Mortgage Group. Marc is responsible for developing and providing mortgage loans, training and business consultations to consumers and industry partners throughout the state of Florida. Through his educational seminars on homeownership and foreclosures, Marc offers individuals help with developing self-reliance and control over their own economic destiny. In this episode, we discuss:
  • Marc’s insights on the challenges of homeownership – and some potential solutions
  • How consumers can build wealth through strategic real estate investment 
  • How education and financial literacy can boost homeownership and wealth-building efforts

The opinions and insights expressed in this Q&A are solely those of its interviewee and do not necessarily represent the views of either Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation or any of its parent, affiliates, or subsidiaries (collectively, “MGIC”). Neither MGIC nor any of its officers, directors, employees or agents makes any representations or warranties of any kind regarding the soundness, reliability, accuracy or completeness of any opinion, insight, recommendation, data, or other information contained in this blog, or its suitability for any intended purpose.

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Marc Williams

Marc Williams, Senior Loan Officer at Paramount Residential Mortgage Group

Mr. Williams has been responsible for developing and providing mortgage loans, training and business consulting to over 30 mortgage consultants, loan processors, and underwriters throughout the State of Florida. Through educational seminars on homeownership and foreclosure has offered individuals self-reliance and control over their economic destiny. Marc has been responsible for developing and managing a comprehensive housing center, wherein prospective families accessed services required to achieve the highest level of success in homeownership.

He has monitored a detailed homeownership program that assisted the public on housing concerns and informed NeighborWorks America®, on the Organization’s progress. Conducted the implementation of a homeownership software that has helped, prospective homebuyers with purchasing, refinancing, rehabilitating, and maintaining a home. Analyzed financial data concerning actual, forecasted, and budgeted information greater than $700 million.

Supervised a staff of 10 individuals in reviewing 25 corporations each with revenues greater than $500 thousand. Reviewed corporate financial cash flows, income statements and balance sheet information to analyze successful business strategies, which addressed the economic survival of various companies. Comprised quarterly revenue and expense reports to assess the effects of Inbound and Outbound Teleservices. Additionally, monitored the monthly progress of Indirect Client Specific and Direct Labor expenses, which created efficient operational procedures.

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