Closing the racial equity gap with ARCS

ARCs Checklist

Addressing gaps in homeownership through the ARCS framework

To address homeownership gaps, there are 4 key areas that any plan should address:
Download our ARCS framework checklist for questions to consider in each key area, then read our 5-part blog series for a deeper dive.

Download the ARCS framework checklist

Read the 5-part ARCS blog series

Read our 5-part Affordable Homeownership series

Take a deeper dive into the 4 ARCS areas – Awareness, Readiness, Community and Solutions – in this series of articles by leaders involved in MGIC’s initiatives around affordable lending and homeownership.

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    Part 1: Asking the right questions

    In part 1 of our 5-part series, Geoff Cooper outlines the ARCS framework.

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    Part 2: Awareness

    In part 2 of our 5-part series, Vance Edwards focuses on the importance of building awareness among mortgage-ready Americans.

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    Part 3: Readiness

    In part 3 of our 5-part series, Danny Garcia-Velez focuses on how early financial education can help more people achieve homeownership.

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    Part 4: Community

    In part 4 of our 5-part series, Geoff Cooper discusses how collective action among community stakeholders can address barriers to homeownership.

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    Part 5: Solutions

    In part 5 of our 5-part series, Kevin Hearden and Jenny Steffens explore product and program considerations.

Download the ARCS framework checklist

Fill out the form below to get immediate access to our ARCS framework checklist.