
Rethink Everything Series: Part 5 – Social Media

60 minutes

Categories: Hot topics | Social media | Guest Speaker

Does social media confuse you? Do you wonder whether to post on this platform or that one? Have you forgotten what a hashtag is? Do these questions haunt you?

We’re bringing a panel of experts together to help you navigate the ever-changing world of social media and solve things once and for all. You’ll learn which platforms are the most effective for reaching the right people instead of the most people. Get the clarity you need during this “raw and real” meeting of industry experts. Don't miss it!


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kyle draper

Kyle Draper, Founder of & Content Compounding

Kyle just does it differently. While most are zigging, he's zagging. Though known as a "social media expert," he's really more of a relationship expert and has discovered how to capitalize on loving people through social media to grow your business. He's helped real estate professionals and lenders sell hundreds of millions of dollars through his methods and strategies. You'll laugh (and maybe cry), but you'll definitely learn.